It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on here, and for good reason! To ensure that my Customer Unity Character controller is able to meet a wide variety of use cases, I figured it would be best to create a demo character implementing the tool. I wanted to pick a character that would be reasonably complex, since I figured a simpler one wouldn’t highlight it’s features (or help me discover it’s problems) as well. To that end, I decided to base my implementation on…
Super Mario 64! Aside from being one of the best games of all time and one of my personal favourites, Mario boasts a wide range of moves that would test the limits of my Character Controller. Initially, I planned to grab a Mario model from somewhere, do a couple quick animations and build a controller that would implement a fairly small subset of his moves. However, things quickly got out of hand…
…and before I knew it, I had added in virtually all of the moves from the original game, a fully animated Goomba and Bob-Omb, and had begun to build an HD version of Bob-Omb Battlefield, the game’s first level.
In addition to being a huge time sink, this project is serving two purposes: demonstrating the character controller, and helping me learn the ins and outs of 3D art. The Mario model I’m using is borrowed from Mario Galaxy, but it didn’t come with bones, rigging or animations, leaving the task to me. This was made infinity easier by this terrific tutorial I found on character rigging using 3ds Max.
I plan to release the project on this page sometime in the near future, and hopefully it will help others build their projects!